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During our vacation in Greece, on the coast of Crete, I encountered waters of such mesmerizing blue that I felt an overwhelming desire to immerse myself in them. The idea of becoming a mermaid and remaining enveloped in that jewel-toned blue forever took hold of my imagination.


Some of this fascination was brought about due to my journey with alopecia which caused all of my hair to fall out beginning at the time of our trip to Greece. I was faced with deciding who I was going to “be”- a scarf person? -A hat person? - a person bold enough to go out with an uncovered head?  


I began creating these mermaid collages as a journey of self-discovery and acceptance. I've found a therapeutic outlet to explore themes of female beauty and sensuality. This artistic process has been particularly meaningful, offering a way to embrace and celebrate my inner strength and beauty during moments when external perceptions of femininity may feel challenged.


Looking for the perfect gift for a loved one or a custom piece for yourself? Discover the artistry of Jennifer Carwile at Kelwood Contemporary Art. Jennifer's exceptional talent and attention to detail ensure that every piece is a unique masterwork. Explore a world of custom art options today, and Contact Jennifer Carwile at Kelwood Contemporary Art and bring your vision to life at                                                             .

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